Never List Without a Floor Plan Again
Produce professional looking floor plans in minutes
According to the nar.realtor 2018 home buyers and sellers generational trends, a floor plan is the third most useful feature of a website listing behind photos and details about the property.
36% of home buyers are 37 years and under and amongst all generations the most popular first step when looking for a home was to look online first.
The benefits of providing a floor plan for home buyers and sellers include:
- attracting buyers that know what they are looking for
- Saves realtors time - not having to show homes that do not fit the buyers needs/ wants
- Helps buyers looking at pictures certain the shape and sizes of rooms
- Allows buyers to imagine the renovation possibilites for renovations
So why are there so many houses listed without a floor plan??
There are many reasons listing agents may list without a floorpan. The most common we found were:
- Floor plans are expensive and hard to produce
- Listing agents fell that they may stop a potential buyers attending the home in person
- Floor plans from the builder may be subject to copyrights
- Original floor plans are often different from current layout.
- Liability issues
Speaking to many home buyers that have attended countless opens, wasted hours and hours of time visting homes that do not suit their needs, we decided to launch DrawPlan.
In this day and age home buyers are all about convenience and efficiency. Not to mention listing agents. Their time is valuable as well. As for the liability issue, as long as the plan is clear that it is a representation and is not to scale, I find it hard to believe it could cause any issues.
As such, we developed DrawPlan. A app for listing agents, to simply draw floor plans in a matter of minutes and give potential buyers and renters an idea of the property layout without wasting anyones time or money.
Give it a try! It’s free for 7 days (and less that the cost of a cup of coffee there after). A small price to pay to save hours of your valuable time